
Jack of all trades. Thorough science geek with unaccounted desk and diskspace donated to ecology, a fetish for charcoal and black ink sketches, the New Yorker, a golden lab she'd call Dane, making salmon and bruschettas to go with the wine, watching the power play in politics, pledged allegiance to Mia Michaels, Sonja Tayek and Tyce Diorio and Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, a subscription to InStyle and a desire to own all the Narciso Rodriguez creations, eternal love for Montreal, and an eternal debt to McGill.

My published nonfiction articles (online)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Some tips to writing online

I've been writing a lot lately. It's been messy, so I've tried to focus my efforts. There's obviously the blogging that's going to be consistent for two more months until my research project ends. Since I get to watch a LOT of movies and television, and they're the subjects of a lot of online searches, I thought I'd make hay while the sun shines and try earning money.

Wish it were as easy as writing good pieces though. Especially when it comes to online writing sites. They pay 0.5-3$ for every 1000 views of all articles published by the writer. So it's not so much about the content as the searchability and the quantity of articles. But it's a good start because besides all that practice, it gives enough material for print and non-internet media to evaluate your potential and experience.

After a lot of trying and testing, I decided to settle on The major advantages are the higher pay-per-thousand-views, more financial incentives for rookie writers or seasoned ones writing for specific categories, MANY learning tools, major first article feedback for EVERY category, and great collection of articles.

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